Qingxi Xiang Xiang Baijiu liquor

The footprints of a great country, the crown of the venue, set sail from here with joy and harmony! Supreme honor: a good style that will never change。
Witnessing the happy moment of every Chinese people and through the changes in the field of people's livelihood closely related to everyone, we have the greatest feeling that the comprehensive national strength has been significantly enhanced and the people's living standards have been significantly improved. From this point of view, the 70 years in which the Party led the people of all ethnic groups to overcome difficulties and forge ahead are essentially 70 years in which the party has fulfilled its original intention and mission with struggle and worked for the welfare of the people. Therefore, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary celebration of new China, more and more talents will sincerely send out; My country is changing, and so is my home; In the most moving and authentic way, he expressed his sincere blessing to the motherland. Technology: Xinghuacun Qingxiang Baijiu liquor making technology is adopted in Jinzhong plain. A grasp of sorghum; As the raw material, the saccharifying fermentation agent made of barley and pea adopts; Steam twice; Unique brewing technology。



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    地址:No. 5198, podium, 6th floor, No. 69, Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing  |  : 010-536813211  |  : 010-53681311  |  地图及路线指南  |