tea drink
Fine ancient tree black tea          

Product name Zhonghai Jingxi ancient tree black tea Place of Origin Jingdong County Yunnan Province

User population General female male middle-aged and elderly Storage method Ventilated and dry without peculiar smell

Net content 150g / box Packing type Gift box

Food technology Congou black tea


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Ancient black tea is taken from ancient tea trees with the age of 200 ~ 300 years

The ancient tea tree grows naturally and is pollution-free. The raw materials are selected from the spring tea of the ancient tea base. It is tight and straight plump Feng Miao Xiuting and Jin Hao exposed. It is fermented by the original process and dried in the sun without any additives. It is natural sweet potato without artificial fragrance. The flavor is rich and lasting the soup color is golden and red the taste is strong fresh and refreshing slightly sweet smooth over the throat easy to taste and drink the leaves are fat moist red and bright. Tea making is devoted to technology and quality. Ancient spring leaves artificial tea mountain show tea spirit unique honey fragrance suitable for drinking tea reading landscape suitable for long-term collection and aging. It can be guaranteed for 8-9 years.


地址:No. 5198, podium, 6th floor, No. 69, Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing  |  : 010-536813211  |  : 010-53681311  |  地图及路线指南  |