Guangxi multilayer paper cutting ornaments          

Product name Guangxi Longgong fairyland scenic spot - Guangxi multi-layer paper-cut ornaments


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Longgong fairyland formerly known as Longgong cave is located in fujiutun Naling community Naling Township Daxin County. It is 18 kilometers away from Daxin County. It is a natural karst cave in karst landform. It is a national scenic spot. It is adjacent to the famous Detian waterfall at home and abroad and has jointly built a Daxin golden tourism route. It is known as "the first karst cave in the hundred mile gallery on the border between China and Vietnam" and "China's natural Dragon Culture Museum".


Taiqing Palace taodejing ornaments          

Product name Qingdao Laoshan multi-layer paper-cut crafts -- taodejing ornaments of Taiqing Palace


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Taiqing palace is a Taoist temple with the longest history and the largest scale in Laoshan mountain. It has a history of more than 2100 years. It is home to Sanguan hall Sanqing hall and Sanhuang hall the religious buildings with the highest tourism value in Laoshan Scenic Spot the magical ancient trees of Han cypress Tang Yu and Jiang Xue the shadow wall of Laoshan Taoist through the wall in the legend of Xiandao the snow-free Fengxian Bridge and Pu Songling's Book Writing Pavilion. Tourists come here to find the ancient the secluded the true and the enlightenment with a long history.


地址:No. 5198, podium, 6th floor, No. 69, Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing  |  : 010-536813211  |  : 010-53681311  |  地图及路线指南  |